Thursday, December 20, 2007

Disease of the Month (AKA Brianna's X-mas gifts)

What's childhood without disease, right? If there's one thing I learned from living with HT and Herr Professor it's that one can develop a relatively robust immune system if one lives in filth 24/7. It's only proper that little Brianna gets exposed as soon as possible so the proper immunities are developed. I consider it my duty as "crazy uncle bill".

This little piece of work to the left, the common cold (rhinovirus) found its way to my saddle. Lucky for me I wasn't sitting on it at the time (and when I do, I'm sure to use fine Swiss products to keep him at bay.

What's that I see hiding in the corner? A cough bug (Bordetella pertussis) laying in ambush? Well I'm too clever for your silly games!!

Oh my! Look who's hiding in the cardboard pile, it's Mr. Strep Throat (Streptococcus pyogenes). Sorry buck-o, had you once when I was a kid and luckily for me antibiotics had more punch than they do now against your like. Darwin may be on your side but I only need to keep you at bay for another 40-ish years!

They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but Stomach Ache (Shigella dysenteria) could care less about my feelings. Right now he's lurking by these empty milk jugs waiting for a moment of carelessness from me to take a trip down the esophogeal tunnel of love to wreak havoc in my digestive system.

People keep asking what the best way is to keep The Flu (Orthomyoxovirus) at bay my only answer is FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T LET HIM IN!!!!!!!!!

Coming soon: "Have an Unspeakably Horrible Christmas"


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