Toledo Neighborhood Ski Report
Well, it looks like all those snow dances I did finally paid off. The only drawback to this windfall was that driving on the roads was a little too sketchy to get to someplace that had any ski trails worth a damn. Now, I'm usually a make-vinegar-out-of-grape-juice kind of guy but I gave a shot at making some lemonade out of this situation (d'ya like how I scrambled those cliches together?)
The grooming quality on Cheltenham left a lot to be desired. It's something of a throughfare and was well packed by the time I hit the trail. Almost impossible to get an edge in edge-wise.
Great double-poling though.
Monroe St. was "Da-Bomb". Light traffic. packed in snow from multiple cars taking multiple lanes. My technique is still a little rusty (years of rollerskiing without any snow time will do that to me) so I couldn't keep up with traffic but I'm sure I had more fun and a better workout thann those driving in their shiny metal boxes.
I-475, However........
I admit it: I'm a coward. I didn't feel like getting arrested, ok? it looked like prime trail, though. I'm sorry I'm such a loser.
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