Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Life as a Pink Floyd Song

I'll be honest with you guys here this year has been a bummer and one I wish I could forget. I met the love of my life...And she's gone. I'm going back for the Master's degree...But it's cost me alot emotionally so far and now I'm stymied by work. It feels like everyone I know is growing and changing and I'm a ant trapped in amber. Going nowhere...Yet getting older.

Do you know I'm going to be an uncle (the cats don't count) soon? Well, now you do. I should be excited, but it only depresses me. It seems like everyone I know has gotten married, engaged, had a kid, moved on to a more lucrative job in better climate. And Here I am. Same job. Same crummy apartment. Same people wondering how it could be that I havent gotten married yet, and all I can do is shrug. I don't know why either.

If I could do it all over again....I remember Rachel's Halloween party back in 2005. It was a Friday and I was exhausted. I'd done a full week at work and was buried with O-chem work; I got home and decided to close my eyes for a little bit...I woke up....Much Later. Rachel was a little pissed that I was a No-show. I was embarrassed...Not only for dissing Rachel, but I missed out on my chance to meet Marina. Just my luck again. And so began my 2005 holiday season...A lot like this previous one.

Marina and I finally got together for a while. It was....Blissful. One of the most wonderful intelligent, sexy, beautiful-on-the-inside-and-out people I've ever known. It didn't last of course. I knew we had limited time in Toledo, but I thought I had until August to convince her that we had a future together. Didn't happen that way. Remember the Long Jusdon road race that was canceled back in May? We all gathered at the Bistro Wasabi for beer and Sushi. After some urging by other's in the party I got Marina to meet us there. Life was good.

After we parted ways Marina and I went to the Starbucks...And she broke up with me. "I'm wasting your time", "you need to find someone here", "you have so many friends here". I was speechless. I wanted to tell her that it wasn't the case and that my friends would always be there

On that night I was the loneliest person in the world. I drove up to be with my brother in Ann Arbor. It was a suicide watch more-or-less.

Well, back around labor day. I met Marina at a nice, neutral location and I was finally able to spill my guts; that she was the one I wanted to be with. It finally dawned on her where I was coming from and her face turned several shades of pale. We both agreed that our relationship was cursed by bad timing since we first met at the MVW Club Crit.

And, being cursed by bad timing, it was already too late.

His name's Seth, by the way.

But you know what stung the most? Marina was stunned, shocked, incredulous that, after an entire summer, I still hadn't found anyone. This is called "Being a single man in Toledo", Marina. This is what happens, what has happened many times before.

Anyway, enough of the "reverie". But do you see what I'm getting at? I was miserable at the beginning of this year, but after a bit things started to go well...And as time went on it looked like things would really be different: Good grades, good job, love. And here I am, again, scrambling for any reason whatsoever, for why I should even bother getting out of bed. It's a broken record of a bad song.

I'm paranoid.
I'm a little afraid.
It can't be like this, again, can it?

"The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death"

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Why I Don't Commute in Weather Like This

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Ia! Ia! Chtulhu Ftagn!!! Ia! Ia! Aiiieeeeee!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Commuter Chronicle - Morning Destination

So, after a few jogs past the art museum I'm at my final morning destination..The downtown office. Here's what I see every morning:

Ahh, the perks of being "authorized personnel, I guess. So, I take the freight elevator down to the basement where there are some modest cleaning facilities, the red door on the right. No shower facilities, but what the heck, it's winter; not like I'm going to sweat alot when it's around freezing.

After a stroll down the long hallway my executive parking space awaits my green steed.

Best parking spot in the company. Suck it, corporate mo-fo's.

Thursday Not-So-Random Top-10

I'm overcome with the spirit of the season right now, so I guess I'd better let you know what I'm listening to:
  1. Nutshell - Alice in Chains
  2. Whale & the Wasp - Alice in Chains
  3. Don't Follow - Alice in Chains
  4. Shame in You - Alice in Chains
  5. Over Now - Alice in Chains
  6. Angry Chair - Alice in Chains
  7. Junkhead - Alice in Chains
  8. Down In A Hole - Alice in Chains
  9. What the Hell HAve I - Alice in Chains
  10. Rain When I Die - Alice in Chains

Merry F*#%ing Christmas

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pause, and Reflect

Monday, December 18, 2006

Commuter Chronicle - Monroe st.

Well, it's December and 41 degrees outside. Since I'm done with classes I can get back to a good morning ritual that makes work go so much better: Riding to work.

I started out at 7am today because I really wanted to stay in bed. Unfortunately, things need to get done or deadlines get missed. Out the door I go then.

Here's the first thing I see as I roll out of the driveway: Jo-Jo's, a convenient watering hole. Pretty sure my commute would be more interesting if they were open 24/7...

Then, of course, there's the lovely waitresses at the City Diner

After that, my commute devolves into crazyness as I go by the hospital. Lots of healthcare workers driving dangerously...And getting their last smoke of the morning in.
Anyway, after that I descend into the Ottawa River "valley" just east of Upton (More on that at another time) where there are actual hills I have to get my fat ass over. Until I come to a beacon of light. No it's not anything spritual, it's....

Monroe & Detroit!!!!

I'll finish this post with a shot of something that isn't blighted or a little run-down; a little culture to my post:

And I've still got another 2 miles to go!!!! All downhill, though.

More to come...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Soy un Perdedor

Well, I was supposed to go for an epic b-ride this morning; epic because it's December 16 and it's 50 degrees outside. But I wake up at 6 in the morning and can barely get out of bed. Back to sleep I go....

What followed was a miserable sequence of dreams involving romantic rejection, sexual frustration, ex-SO's, unrequited love, and competitive swimming. I woke up at 10 am drenched in sweat, a little nauseous, and more than a little sad. *sigh*. To make matters worse, the tenants in the apartment above are a couple of colege age lovebirds....With a squeeky bedframe.

Which means that my traumatic nightmares didn't wake me up, it was another 5-minute (from the time she starts going down on him to his climax) wham-bam-thankyouma'am that this couple thinks passes for making love. Now, I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but for crying out loud I wish somone would use his imagination and try to get her off for once.

Where was I? Oh yes, I think what I need right now is a little zen. I'll get the laundry done then rollerski for a bit. What the hell, it'll get me out of this cesspit that passes for an apartment.

Oh yeah, and I still need to do all my christmas shopping.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Kitty Porn/Friday Top-10

Little Storm caught in a compromising position:


  1. The Killing Moon - Echo and the Bunnymen
  2. Neurotica - Rush
  3. San Tropez - Pink Floyd
  4. Not a Crime - Gogol Bordello
  5. Southern Cross - Crosby, Stills, & Nash
  6. Used to Love Her - Guns 'n Roses
  7. 25 or 6 to 4 - Chicago
  8. Candle in the Wind (Marilyn Monroe NOT Princess DI)- Elton John
  9. Voices Carry - 'Til Tuesday
  10. The Manhattan Project - Rush

Kids These Days

I'm sitting at Maxwells nursing a Guinness and I can't help but hear the crap that's passing for live music these days. Some acoustic group just finished with "Wonderwall" by Oasis and the audience of post-highschoolers are singing along. It was crap then, it most certainly is crap now.

Get this: They're covering Toto's "Africa". uuugh. Then onto Hootie & the Blowfish.

God's Hooks!! Not only are they playing badly, but they're playing all the bad music from the past 20 years.

I weep for the future of America. We are truly doomed.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I Surrender!


A Slight Antidote to Christmas Music.

Youtube Completes Me!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Random Top 10

Have at it, music snobs. Again, I hope you choke.
  1. Siberian Khatru - Yes
  2. Long Distance Runaround - Yes
  3. Big Money - Rush
  4. A Farewell to Kings - Rush
  5. Dirty Laundry - Don Henley
  6. A Venture - Yes
  7. Commissioner Castration - The Dust Brothers
  8. Perpetual Change - Yes
  9. Air for "G" String (from Orchestral Suite in Dmaj BWV 1068)- Royal Philharmonic
  10. Jaded - Green Day


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Note to Self.....

Two Rules To Live By:
  1. Cyclocross bikes are for cyclocross.
  2. Mountain bikes are for mountain bike trails.
I have to say, today my respect for those psychos that did the Mohican 100 a couple months ago was greatly augmented. I'm battered, bruised, and lucky I didn't break a bone (though I came close a few times) Maybe I should finally break (sic) down and get a decent mountain bike.

I wonder if Dan still has space in his basement.........

Saturday, December 02, 2006


GlennDennis is in a cleaning mood today.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Rachel's Blogging Kung Fu/Top 10

Rachel's putting me to shame with her blogging, which really shouldn't be much of a surprise since I race 'cross poorly and I'm the epitome of lame. *sigh*

Anyway, with school finishing up and the weather beginning to stabilize I think I'll be able to ride to work a little more often, maybe get a sort of "commuter chronicle going.

Or something.

TOP 10 12/1/06
  1. San Tropez - Pink Floyd
  2. The Thing that Should Not Be - Metallica
  3. Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
  4. Action Not Words - Def Leppard
  5. Requiem For Soprano - Gyorgi Ligeti
  6. The Boys of Summer - Don Henley
  7. Operation: Mindcrime - Queensryche
  8. Zombie Eaters - Faith No More
  9. Marla - Dust Brothers
  10. Say Hello 2 Heaven - Temple of the Dog