Sunday, December 17, 2006

Soy un Perdedor

Well, I was supposed to go for an epic b-ride this morning; epic because it's December 16 and it's 50 degrees outside. But I wake up at 6 in the morning and can barely get out of bed. Back to sleep I go....

What followed was a miserable sequence of dreams involving romantic rejection, sexual frustration, ex-SO's, unrequited love, and competitive swimming. I woke up at 10 am drenched in sweat, a little nauseous, and more than a little sad. *sigh*. To make matters worse, the tenants in the apartment above are a couple of colege age lovebirds....With a squeeky bedframe.

Which means that my traumatic nightmares didn't wake me up, it was another 5-minute (from the time she starts going down on him to his climax) wham-bam-thankyouma'am that this couple thinks passes for making love. Now, I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but for crying out loud I wish somone would use his imagination and try to get her off for once.

Where was I? Oh yes, I think what I need right now is a little zen. I'll get the laundry done then rollerski for a bit. What the hell, it'll get me out of this cesspit that passes for an apartment.

Oh yeah, and I still need to do all my christmas shopping.


Blogger Dan said...

I wondered where those guys moved to.

4:07 PM  

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